
This integration hub is intended for control of ROON servers with the YIO remote. It is port of Roonlabs Javascript API to Qt/C++. The QtRoon* part is also usable for other Qt/ROON integrations.

Discovery is not available until now, the port and IP address of the server must be configured. Important: the entities friendly_name must be the name of the ROON instance:


 "media_player": [
    "entity_id": "",
    "friendly_name": "Arbeitsplatz",
    "integration": "roon",
    "type:": "speaker",
    "supported_features": []

Integration :

  "url": "ws://",
  "imageurl": "",
  "friendly_name": "RIC's Roon Control",
  "id": "roon",
  "log": "info"

YioRoon.* communicates with they YIO remote software. I made some (small) extensions to the media-player entity :

  • Adding a property browseItems. It is a list of media entry objects containing
    o Item_key key of the entry
    o title
    o sub_title
    o image_url for albums, and artists, (accessing the ROON server)

  • Adding a property browseCmds. Up to 3 commands which are currently use for 3 buttons on the head of the list.
    Currently I work only with simulation maybe on the real YIO we need only the hardware buttons.
    This commands are necessary as ROON provides several possible commands on the different hierarchy levels :
    o Artist play tracks from this artists randomly
    o Album play whole album immediately, add to queue
    o Track play now, next, queue

  • Adding a function browse (cmd)
    cmd is any of the commands from browseCmds (TOP, BACK, PLAY, QUEUE) or the selected enries item_key.

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